Eyeing a sales turnover of over rs 2500 crore this, the fifth edition of the 46-day long Grand Kerala Shopping Festival will commence from Dec one with chief minister, Oommen chandy, formally inaugurating the state-wide festival at a function here. This year's edition from Dec 1-jan 15, will see the introduction of the night shopping during the festival for the first time for 10 days, Mayor Tony Chammany and Ernakulam District collector, P I Shaik Pareeth, told reporters here. Private and low floor buses would also be operating services at night during the shopping festival, they said. The organisers held a meeting with members of Resident assocations, trade representatives, and police with regard to the smooth conduct of the shopping festival. There were suggestions to introduce pre paid autorickshaw facilties and more counters for pre paid autorickshaws to ensure hassle free commuation during the night shopping for customers. A final decision in this regard will be taken at a meeting convened by district collector. The traders also voiced concern about the difficulties in having women staff work beyond 7pm as it would go against labour laws, Mayor said. GKSF Director, Dr Rathan Kelkar, said last year's sales turnover from the festival was rs 2200 crore and this year the organisers were expecting a 15-20 per cent increase from last year. Over 6000 shops had registered for the festival last year, while this year, already 3000 stores had registered, he said. The festival also aims to position itself as a shopping destination and thus attract more tourists.
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